Workshop Inverse Drawing

Workshop Inverse Drawing

Do you want to learn under the guidance of a lecturer, how to draw using the so-called “explanation” technique on black paper?

The one-day version of the course is recommended for beginners.

Inverse drawing is drawing with a light medium on black or darker colored paper. Impressive spatial effects can be achieved by drawing on a black background.

The white drawing stands out from the black paper and gives a plastic impression. The built-up light on black paper has its own special soulfulness.


We will show you some of the theory of inverse drawing – what is the difference between drawing on white and black paper, how does drawing with white media behave and many tips and tricks on how to do it.

In practice, the lecturer will familiarize you with different types of techniques for applying “lights” on a dark background. We will try using the inversion technique to build the volume of several simple geometric objects, or create compositions from these objects.

In a short theory, you will learn something about the basics of shape geometry, how to express shade, transparency or saturated color with a white pencil. We will continue with compositions according to a printed model or a real model – all according to the individual abilities and mood of the participants.

What to take with you?

You can bring a template that you want to draw with you to the course (adequate to the topic – i.e. a chiaroscuro photo or a white drawing on a black background). We have plenty of templates, as well as items for creating a composition.


Art work of our students

You can do it with us too ...

How to sign up for the course? 

You have 3 options

Via email

fill in the form

How to pay for the course? 

You have 3 options

Bank Transfer


Bank Transfer


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​You can also buy your beloved ones the course in the form of a gift voucher!

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